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Masseria Scrivilleri: Flavors of Sicily

Sheep and Goat Cream Cheese

Sheep and Goat Cream Cheese

PriceFrom €3.00
VAT Included

DESCRIPTION: sheep and goat cream cheese has a delicate and slightly acidic taste characteristic of the milk used. It has a pure white color and a soft and creamy consistency.


    Questo formaggio si presta benissimo ad arricchire e rendere speciale ogni tipo di piatto, sia dolce che salato: con un po' di fantasia è possibile impiegarlo per l'intero menù, dall'aperitivo al dessert, in un'innumerevole varietà di combinazioni. Ottimo per accompagnare pane o cracker, per arricchire piadine e torte salate, per mantecare risotti, per esaltare contorni di verdura, per guarnire l’interno di involtini di carne o addirittura per preparare deliziose cheesecake.


    The fresh milk from the morning milking and the previous evening is collected and brought to the dairy, heated until the milk proteins are denaturated. It is then cooled and inoculated with lactic ferments and rennet to obtain a slow coagulation in about 12 hours at a constant temperature. Collected in sheets, it is cooled, placed in cold storage and left to drain from the whey for another 12 hours. At this point it is added with 1% salt, amalgamated and placed in small buckets for sale.

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    Ingredients: raw sheep and goat milk, enzymes and salt

    Allergens: milk and milk products (including lactose)

    Storage: keep in a dry and dark place at + 4 ° C

    Milk: sheep and goat

    Seasoning: fresh

    Format: 200gr aprox, 500gr aprox, 1kg aprox

    Packaging : packed in buckets

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